Progetto Green-Taste
Erasmus+ KA2 Cooperation Partnership in the field of School
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Green Taste project tackles the unpreparedness of education systems realising, testing and delivering an effective work program in order to face the missing resources in European school environments.
Green Taste deems the school environment as the most appropriate educational field where to set the Consumer Education, the place where the new generations will lead the environmental change. However, as needs analysis will detail, consumer education at school does not record a European standardisation yet and the majority of Education public authorities moved their first steps just recently.
In order to effectively provide a change in the direction highlighted by the European reports the Green Deal project will target three main beneficiaries providing the most updated and detailed training contents on consumer education from a digital and environmental point of view: school teachers, school students, policy makers in the field of school education. The logic of the project moves from the testing of innovative methodologies and contents in Consumer education in different European countries in order to lead towards a set of recommendation at European level for Consumer education standardisation in
European schools and teachers’ curricula. The need is at European level, the moment to act is now.
Development, test, assessment and adoption of Consumer Education in European upper secondary schools’ learning programs and European teachers’ curricula;
Inclusion of innovative education in upper secondary education by connecting consumer education to digital skills and online disinformation awareness through the use of Open Educational Resources (OERs) and ICT solutions for online safety;
Raising awareness among students about the relationship between our habits and the reduction of our environmental footprint through consumption choices;
Improving school provision and assessment of civic, consumption, green competences, critical thinking, digital skills and media literacy in strong relationship with EU values.
Over the implementation of the project we will realise:
A Toolkit for European upper secondary school teachers composed by learning modules. The modules will be focusing on Recognize consumer rights in consumers’ daily life, Reflect on how consumers’ attitudes and lifestyles can be an act of citizenship, Recognize good practices for decision making before, during and after products or services acquisition, digital information literacy skills to trace back the source of information and tackle online disinformation strategies addressing consumers; EU Recommendation, benchmarks and needs (New Consumer Agenda above all) and Circular System Principles.
An e-learning for upper secondary school students to be integrated in Secondary school learning delivery foster Consumer Education principles and digital literacy techniques applied to the consumer online environment. The e-learning will be tested in 4 European schools by implementing educational local pilots in Italy, Spain, Poland and Portugal !
A 4-days training event in Anzio (IT) in order to provide European schools staffs involved in the project all
the knowledge, skills and tools to deliver the Consumer education and digital literacy skills applied to upper secondary school learning delivery
A Guideline composed by a comparative report on European school strategies to include Consumer Education at school and a recommendation on how to include the Green Taste tools and learning paths into European teachers training and curricula.
The Green Taste work program, activities and tangible results will be impacting on the wider European students and teachers environment including the following skills in trainings and learning courses:
- Recognize consumer rights in consumers’ daily life;
- Demonstrate how consumers’ attitudes and lifestyles can be an act of citizenship;
- Recognize good practices for decision making before, during and after products or services acquisition
- Digital good practices to assure data protection and safety.
- Financial literacy
- Explain climate change consequences;
- Outline the carbon footprint chain;
The impacts runs in line with the most innovative Erasmus+ priorities:
- enhancing teachers’ initial education, as well as their continuous professional development, in particular by improving the policy framework
- awareness-raising about environmental and climate-change challenges, developing competences in various sustainability-relevant sectors, developing green sectorial skills strategies and methodologies, as well as future-oriented curricula that better meet the needs of individuals. Supporting the testing of innovative practices to prepare learners, staff and youth workers to become true agents of change (e.g. food choices) enabling behavioural changes for individual preferences, consumption habits, and lifestyles, develop sustainability competences of educators and education leaders.
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